AUERSBACH Himmel-Erden-Weg: Wandern für Alt und Jung in Feldbach
Under the motto "Active together" there are 8 leisurely hikes in the districts of Feldbach, which are accompanied by local hikers on fixed dates.
Accompanied joint hike The tour is not signposted in the open countryside. Hiking is recommended with the hiking guide, with the Outdooractive app or the gpx data. The joint hike is accompanied by Anna Ploderer (Tel.: 0664/2267401). Dates: On the 2nd Monday at 2 pm in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November (except on public holidays).
What is special about guided hikes? The gentle, steady movement during the hikes focuses our attention on the immediate surroundings and shows us the treasures that are waiting for us right outside our front door. Movement in nature strengthens our immune system, invigorates muscles, organs and circulation, and activates our brain. Each of the 8 hiking trails is accompanied by a person who knows the route and knows about the special features along the way and in the surrounding area. The conversations in the hiking group are an additional enrichment, according to the motto: "LIVE TOGETHER IN DIVERSITY!"
What is special about guided hikes? The gentle, steady movement during the hikes focuses our attention on the immediate surroundings and shows us the treasures that are waiting for us right outside our front door. Movement in nature strengthens our immune system, invigorates muscles, organs and circulation, and activates our brain. Each of the 8 hiking trails is accompanied by a person who knows the route and knows about the special features along the way and in the surrounding area. The conversations in the hiking group are an additional enrichment, according to the motto: "LIVE TOGETHER IN DIVERSITY!"
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Detailed information on how to get there can be found
Vom Ausgangspunkt Richtung Süden bis zum Wegweiser, hier ist ein schöner Ausblick nach Feldbach, weiter geht es am Waldrand hinunter zur Landesstraße, die wir überqueren. Dann wandern wir durch den Wald auf einem kurzen Teilstück steil bergauf. Auf der Höhe genießen wir die herrliche Aussicht zu den Gleichenberger Kogeln, zum Stradnerkogel und zur Riegersburg. Der kurze Abstecher zur Kapelle lohnt sich – dort ist ein Rastplatz! Ab der öffentlichen Sternwarte wandern wir ein Stück entlang des Planetenweges vorbei an Susis Garten (Lebensgarten). In Wieden haben wir bei Lava Bräu die Möglichkeit, den Durst zu löschen und Whisky zu verkosten. Auf dem Feldweg geht es dann parallel zur Landesstraße wieder zurück Richtung Norden zur Schinkenmanufaktur.
Charakter des WegesGroßteils auf Feld- und Waldwegen, abwechslungsreich mit vielen interessanten Statoinen am Weg und schönen Aussichten.
Ein Besuch der öffentlichen Vulkanland-Sternwaret ist lohnend - Terminvereinbarung unter 0664/4231233.
Detailed information about arriving by ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways) can be found at or on the Verbundlinie Steiermark website
With Verbundlinie’s BusBahnBim route planner app, planning your journey has never been easier: simply enter towns and/or addresses, stop names or points of interest to check all bus, train and tram connections in Austria. The app is available free of charge for smartphones – on Google Play and in the App Store
Kapelle Auersbach | © Miteinander aktiv Feldbach | Christine Neuhold
Öffentliche Sternwarte Auersbach | © Sternwarte | Christine Neuhold
Brisky Verkostung Lava Bräu | © Manuel Flor | Christine Neuhold
Vulcano Schinkenwelt Auersbach | © Vulcano | Christine Neuhold
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