From Vienna: A1 Westautobahn exit Ybbs via Wieselburg, Scheibbs and Lunz/See to Göstling an der Ybbs continue in the direction of Palfau, at the Erzhalden junction turn off to Wildalpen.
From Vienna, Eisenstadt: Semmeringschnellstraße S6, near Mürzzuschlag onto the B23 Mariazeller Bundesstrasse and Mürzsteg and Wegscheid to Gusswerk and on the Hochschwab Bundesstrasse B24 to Wildalpen.
From Linz: A1 to Voralpenkreuz junction, A9 to Windischgarsten, Unterlaussa, Altenmarkt, Grossreifling, Palfau and Wildalpen
In Wildalpen at the water museum approx. 6km to Hinterwildalpen and at the inn Zum Krug keep to the right after approx. 1km in the Lurg turn right at the barrier to the forest road Parking