Mariazell - Gußwerk - Greith - Weichselboden - Gschöder - Wildalpen - Fachwerk - Palfau - Gams bei Hieflau - Mooslandl, Landl.
The R 16 runs directly on federal and state roads (B 20, B 24) without its own cycle lane and largely runs along the Salza, untypically upstream (can also be cycled in reverse).
The tour is not signposted, but it is easy to find your way around since you always use the main road.The R 16 is also passable in reverse and an ideal complement if you want to come from the Enns-bike path R 7 to Mariazell.
TIP or alternative for the route Wildalpen - Gams (BUT ONLY for mountain bikes or e-bikes, because there are about 650 hm to overcome). The part from Wildalpen to Gams can be bypassed by the new MTB route "Torsattel"! The route leads on forest roads mostly uphill to the Torsattel. From here it goes over beautiful alpine pastures between rugged rocks constantly downhill, until we come after about 18 km in the Krautgraben on a country road. We follow this on asphalt always out of the valley along the Gamsbach the beautiful Nothklamm to Gams.