From the starting point GH Weitgasser, this trail also first leads over the Fürstensteig in the direction of Stainach, where the first real climb then leads up to the Leistenalm. After a few meters in altitude, you pass directly by the Spechtensee. From there it goes first still over an asphalt section, until it goes again over a forest road in the direction of Aicherlkar. Forest paths, single trails and an alternation of up and down passages lead you past the Aicherlstein.
The last kilometers are a downhill in technically demanding terrain. Narrow single trails lead you through the forest back to the starting point.
Best season
The tour in numbers
Map & downloads
More information
All informations under:
Tourism blog: www.derbergdastal.at
Tourist Office Schladming-Dachstein
Ramsauerstrasse 756
8970 Schladming
T: +43 3687 23310
Garbage on meadows and paths can not smell mountain and valley. Please take it with you. Agriculture and forestry are important partners for Berg und Tal. They allow you to walk and drive on many of their paths. Be aware that only good cooperation will guarantee your recreational enjoyment in the future.
Trailrunning map Schladming-Dachstein: available free of charge at all info locations
- KOMPASS Hiking Map 68, Ausseerland-Ennstal 1:50.000, hiking, biking, ski touring.