Kabarettist Alex Kristan_Portrait_Oststeiermark | © Stefan Gergely Kabarettist Alex Kristan_Portrait_Oststeiermark | © Stefan Gergely

Thu., 20/03/2025 from 19:30 o'clock

Cabaret artist Alex Kristan


Alex Kristan has turned 50, or as the optimist in him says, "The first third of life is over."

And because the thirst for action is still greater than the nightly urge to urinate, he takes this "round" as an opportunity to present himself with a new solo program. Because if you suddenly find yourself in the 50+ target group as a so-called Best Ager from one day to the next, only Schmäh helps against the lead in your legs and the silver in your hair.

Supposedly, 50 is the new 30. Or does that only apply to the local area? Even if 10 p.m. is the new midnight, the new skin care product does not have to be called Voltaren instead of Nivea. It still pays to buy long-life milk. Diet plans, hair coloring, teeth whitening, that's all for pop-up seniors who see herb-funding as a detox cure. His motto, on the other hand, is "sensible is like dead, only before" and resurrects the snot pip.

Exactly at the apex in life, which takes place between looking well-groomed and being well-groomed, one asks oneself whether everything was really better in the past, and if so, why not? Shortsightedness is now compensated for with farsightedness, and as long as the cake is still more expensive than the candles on it, you're not old anyway.

Alex Kristan's alter egos accompany him on this journey, of course, and are on hand to offer advice and support when it comes to the really essential questions in the life of a man in what is supposed to be his prime. It's a start-up into a new phase of life, playing gout or truth.

And the truth is, he's 42 net, which excludes sales tax. Getting older is a beautiful thing. Especially considering the alternative.

Ticket prices
Advance booking for adults € 41.-

Tickets available at all Ö-Ticket advance booking offices

Order tickets online here

Date and time

Thu., 20/03/2025
Starts at: 19:30 O'clock

Event location

Weiz - Kunsthaus Weiz


Kunsthaus Weiz
Rathausgasse 3
8160 Weiz