Willow Dome
St. Ruprecht an der RaabThe willow dome directly under the high-voltage line at the end of Quellenstrasse in St. Ruprecht an der Raab, at the entrance on the way to Stefaniequelle on Burgthannerweg, is a special place of power and is on the initiative of Vice Mayor Thomas Matzer back.
"Everyone wants electricity and that's why we have to live with high-voltage pylons like this - it's just there and now you can make something useful out of it," said Thomas Matzer. With the background of making the entrance to Stefanie Quellenweg more beautiful, he gave birth to the The idea to erect a willow dome right next to the mast and this suggestion met with open ears from Mr. Wolfgang Ogris, from Energie Steiermark.
On March 26, 2018, 12 bundles of willow from all corners of the municipality (Ilztal, Weizbachtal, Raabtal, Dörflbachgraben) were tied together to form a common willow dome. It symbolically unites technology with nature, bundles the energy of the entire community and beyond.
Sammeltaxi Oststeiermark SAM WZ1837, Reservierung unter +43 50 36 37 38 oder ISTmobil.at
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