Experience the Faschingskehraus in Geistthal-Södingberg - traditional winter fun for everyone in the Graz Region!
Carnival is coming to an end, but in Geistthal-Södingberg it will be really colourful and exuberant once again on 4 March 2025! The traditional Faschingskehraus event centres on the age-old ritual of driving out the winter.
The procession through the village starts at 2.30 pm: a large figure made of straw - symbolising winter, torpor and death - is ceremoniously carried through the streets and finally burnt. With this symbolic act, the community bids farewell to winter and makes way for spring.
But that's not all! After the spectacle, the colourful hustle and bustle continues in the Halle für Alle. Visitors can look forward to
- Fresh doughnuts - because carnival isn't complete without sweets!
- Snacks for the children - little guests won't miss out.
- Games & fun - a convivial finale for young and old.
The Faschingskehraus in the Graz Region is a wonderful opportunity to experience customs up close and say goodbye to winter together. Come along and celebrate with us!
Date and time
Event location
Geistthal-Södingberg - Halle für Alle