Thu., 07/11/2024 from 18:00 o'clock
Über Gott und die Welt reden - Thema Mode
In the new discussion forum at Lannach Library, we will be talking about the topic of “fashion” at our first meeting.
Fashions exist in a variety of areas and are often reflected in changing trends and preferences. Whether it's clothing, styling, furnishings, technology, art, culture, food, drink, leisure activities and countless other topics, many things are subject to fashion and the spirit of the times. Fashions can change quickly, which means that what is trendy today can be outdated tomorrow.
What do you think about fashion? Do you always keep your finger on the pulse of the times or do you like to be considered “old-fashioned”? Join us in the library and have your say!
Admission free! Registration is not required!
Date and time
Event location
Lannach - Bibliothek Lannach