Immerse yourself in nature in the Hartberger Gmoos, Hartberg
Explore natural history up close. The Hartberg Gmoos has changed: from a silted-up lake to an ecologically valuable green island. A theme trail provides insight into the world of ecology.
Location & History
In a shallow depression, at an altitude of 319 to 328 meters above sea level, it borders directly on the built-up urban area of the district capital Hartberg. The fen developed through silting up of the "Edelsee", the remains of which can still be found in the deepest parts. The average sea level is 324 m.
Typical animals of the Hartberg bog are warblers, water rails, white storks, insects like butterflies and dragonflies, frogs and toads. The area is structured by rows and groups of alders and willows (Alnus glutinosa, A. incana, Salix cinerea, S. fragilis). On the Safenbach there are remains of a hardwood meadow with oaks, elms and ashes (Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis, Fraxinus excellsior).
The area of about 65 ha has been a nature reserve since 1992 and was declared a European nature reserve in 2005.
What the weather will be like
Hartberg (422m)
Dry and partly sunny throughout the day, with cloudy periods from time to time.
Dry and partly sunny throughout the day, with cloudy periods from time to time.