Directly from Judenburg town center, walk along "Am Gehag", past the Oberweger Kreuz and the state hospital, into Friedhofgasse. At "Kuhtörl", follow the signposted hiking trail 313. The first section of the trail corresponds to the Judenburg circular hiking trails and is very well signposted.
After just a few meters, you can already enjoy an incredibly beautiful view of the town of Judenburg. After a short passage on the gravel road, keep left along the forest path. Continue along hiking trail 313, following the red-white-red markings. Alternatively, you can choose a more leisurely ascent along the forest road via hiking trail 313A.
We soon turn right from the forest road up a narrow forest path; we pass a large electricity pylon and have a great view of Oberweg. Continue along the well-marked forest path. As you climb steadily uphill, you quickly cover many meters in altitude and - just a few minutes away from the town of Judenburg - get a real alpine and mountain feeling. Again and again you can enjoy wonderful views all around.
After around 2 km you reach a bench and a wayside shrine, a good opportunity for a first rest. Shortly afterwards, we cross the forest road and continue along the direct ascent to the Pensionistenhütte (hiking trail 313, walking time to the Pensionistenhütte: 15 minutes). At the Pensionistenhütte you can enjoy a great view of the Seetal Alps and take a long rest. It is wonderfully idyllic here.
From the Pensionistenhütte it is a short descent. We cross a forest path and continue along hiking trail 313 and the red-white-red trail markings in this direction, along a narrow path. To the left and right, you can always enjoy great views of the surrounding valleys and the neighboring mountain ranges.
At the next signpost, we keep to hiking trail 43 to the Hölzlkogel, which leads us steadily uphill, first through the forest, then further along a forest path. From the forest path, you can enjoy an incredible view of the Aichfeld - the forest has only recently been felled here. We like to pause here for a few minutes and enjoy the surroundings.
Wir folgen dem Forstweg weiter bergauf, an der nächsten Kreuzung ist der Hölzlkogel mit 10 Minuten Entfernung angeschrieben. Ab hier führt ein schmaler Waldweg bis zum Ziel.
Der Hölzlkogel an sich liegt unscheinbar an einer Lichtung. Direkt beim einfachen Bildstock am Kogel kommt man gut zur Ruhe und kann so richtig in die Natur eintauchen.
Der Abstieg vom Kogel erfolgt zuerst wie der Aufstieg entlang dem Wanderweg 43 und über den Wanderweg 313. An der Kreuzung mit dem Wanderweg 42 wählen wir die gemütlichere ABstiegsvariante und steigen auf dem Wanderweg 42 bis zur nächsten Kreuzung mit der Forstraße ab. Über die Forststraße gelangen wir gemütlich zurück ins Tal und kehren auf dem gewohnten Weg zum Ausgangspunkt zurück.
Hinweis: Die vielen bekannte "Grotte" von Judenburg in der Nähe der Austiegsroute ist gesperrt und nicht mehr zugänglich.