From Graz to the Murtal:
Take the A9, passing through the Gleinalm Tunnel, to Knoten St. Michael in Upper Styria. Then continue towards Klagenfurt and follow the S 36 to the Murtal.
Alternatively, you can take the S 35 to Bruck, continue via the S 6 to St. Michael, and on via the S 36 to the Murtal.
From Klagenfurt to the Murtal:
Take the A2 into the municipality of Bad St. Leonhard. From here, take Bundesstraße 78 (Obdacher Bundesstraße) and continue via the Obdacher Sattel pass to Obdach in the Murtal.
Alternatively, you can take the S 37 to Längsee and continue on Bundesstraße 317 via Dürnstein and Wildbad Einöd over the Perchauer Sattel pass. You will reach the Murtal at Unzmarkt.
From Salzburg to the Murtal:
From Salzburg, take the A1 to the Sattledt exit. Then take the A9 and continue to Trieben. Here, take exit 86, towards the B114. When you reach Hohentauern, you'll be in the Murtal.
Alternatively, you can stay on the B113 in Trieben and continue into the Murtal via St. Michael on the S 36.
From Vienna to the Murtal:
From Vienna, follow the E59, then continue via the Semmering on the S6 to St. Michael, where you will join the S 36 and enter the Murtal.