I am a Murtaler - Hochalm Muttergottes
- 2 minutes of reading time
For dairymen and shepherds
The Maria Schnee church is located at 1822 metres above sea level in the Seckau Alps. It was built in 1660 for the dairymen and shepherds to comfort their souls and was initially dedicated to St Jerome (patron saint of cattle).
Maria Schnee
Marian devotion began at the beginning of the 18th century. From 1782 onwards, the name Maria Schnee became established on the Hochalm and refers to the founding legend of the Roman basilica Santa Maria Maggiore.
In 1860, 15,000 people made a pilgrimage to the Hochalm for the 200th anniversary and were granted a plenary indulgence by Pope Pius IX. The little church was lovingly restored in 1904.
Visit in summer
In the summer months, you can visit the Hochalm Mother of God in the Maria Schnee pilgrimage church. She wears a very detailed, embroidered dress and holds the baby Jesus in her arms. During the winter months, she is kept in the Kühbergerhof and gives protection to the farm and its inhabitants. Around Peter and Paul (29 June), she is then solemnly carried to the Hochalm, where she is visited by many pilgrims every year.
Enjoy your moments of silence and contemplation on the Hochalm. Experience an all-round panorama of a special kind surrounded by the Seckauer Zinken with views of the Seetal Alps, Saualpe, Stubalpe, Gleinalpe and Speikkogel.
Holy masses
Masses take place on the Hochalm on the following dates:
26.07.2024 09:30am St Anne's Day - Holy Mass on the Hochalm
04.08.2024 08:30 and 10:00am 2nd Hochalm day with Mag. Dominik Wagne
05.08.2024 09:30am Patrocinium "Maria Schnee"
Interview with the Hochalm Mother of God
Erlebnisregion Murtal: "What connects you to the Murtal?"
Hochalm-Muttergottes: "I focus entirely on nature and the power around me. I find all of that here in the Seckau Alps. The ascent alone is a real pleasure every year."
Erlebnisregion Murtal: "When do you feel your heart beating in the Murtal?"
Hochalm-Muttergottes: "Every year when I am carried back up to the mountain pasture. I really enjoy the winter at the Kühbergerhof, but when I see this fabulous nature again, my heart starts pounding."
Erlebnisregion Murtal: "Where is your favourite place in the Murtal?"
Hochalm-Muttergottes: "The Maria Schnee church on the Hochalm, of course. It's a real power place with the fresh air, the view and the peace and quiet."
Do you also want to discover the Hochalm Mother of God? Then experience a truly divine hike to the Hochalm.