The Torlauf is the hardest, most strenuous and most beautiful trail in the Schladming-Dachstein region.
The beautiful surroundings of the Dachstein massif and the Dachstein on its own make this an unforgettable experience for every runner. Face your limits!
There is a reason why leading professional athletes, as well as world and Olympic champions, take on the challenges of the Dachstein massif on a yearly basis.
A yearly competition is held here so that athletes can challenge themselves and compete against each other.
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Von Westen:Tauernautobahn A 10 bis zum Knoten Ennstal - Abfahrt Richtung Graz/Schladming - rund 20 km auf der Ennstal-Bundesstraße bis nach Schladming - Abzweigung Ramsau
Von Norden:Pyhrnautobahn Richtung Liezen Ennstalbundesstraße bis nach Schladming - Abzweigung Ramsau
Starting from the Cross-Country Stadium in Ramsau Ort - towards the jumping hill - take the Philosophers Path until you reach trail no. 2 - Sport Steiner and cross the street on the right of the church - down the street to Hofrat Gruber Weg - to the Old Mill - CAREFUL! approx. 200m before the mill: take the right to Hotel Edelweiß - Sattelberghütte and take the Strimitzweg to Almstube - through the Silberkar Canyon (entry fee) and up to Stangalm - Feistererscharte - Guttenberghaus - Gruberscharte and across the Landfriedtal trail no. 618 to Edelgrießhöhe - through the Edelgrieß (caution! high-alpine trails can be hard to see) to Hotel Türlwandhütte - on to Südwandhütte - trail no. 6 to Marlam (Marboden) on the forestry path to Neustattalm across the street - Walcheralm up on a narrow path towards Hotel Dachstein - wider trail to Brandalm - Dachsteinhaus - Brandhof - Landhaus Ramsau - westbound to Jausenstation Walcher - head south: cross the street to Tannenweg - head east to Ramsau Beach - onto trail no. 1 - Helpferer - Landhaus Katharina - Trail no. 100 - Kulmberg Höhenweg to the crossing jumping hill - back to the stadium.
Langlaufstadion Ramsau Ort
torlauf (nr. 2)_img_37266562 | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Tourismusverband Schladming-Dachstein
torlauf (nr. 2)_img_66249176 | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Schladming Dachstein
Torlauf Dachstein | © Ski Willy
torlauf (nr. 2)_img_50353554 | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Tourismusverband Schladming-Dachstein
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