Leobner - Blaseneck Runde
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Or via Leoben, Vordernberg and Eisenerz to Hieflau and from there via B146 in a westerly direction into the Gesäuse.
A1 Westautobahn to exit Ybbs and from there south through Scheibbs, Lunz am See, Göstling an der Ybbs and Palfau to Hieflau. From there, take the B146 in a westerly direction to the Gesäuse.
Turn off at the Gesäusebundesstrasse at the Weidendom in the direction of Johnsbach and continue to Johnsbach to the end of the road.
To do this, do not descend into the Sebringgraben but continue westwards via the Anhartskogel and the Spielkogel.
Gesäuse shared taxi
In the Gesäuse you are mobile even without your own car. A call to +43(0)3613/21 000-99 is all it takes: Within the operating hours (daily 08:00 - 20:00 hrs) you can get to any destination in the Gesäuse from May to October with the Gesäuse collective taxi, vlg. Gseispur, to any destination in the Gesäuse, without any timetable or stops. There is even a connection to the railway stations Liezen, Selzthal and Kleinreifling. Single trip per person € 9.50
Hauptstraße 35, 8911 Admont, Österreich
Tel. +43 (0) 3613 21160 10
Email: info@gesaeuse.at
Freizeitkarte Gesäuse M 1 : 50.000 Gratis erhältlich im Infobüro AdmontCarto.at / Wander-, Rad- & Schitourenkarte „Nationalpark Gesäuse“Gesäuseberge – Haller Mauern – Eisenerzer Alpen West, Nr. 801
M 1: 35.000 http://www.carto.at/gesaeuse/
Kompass/ Wander-, Fahrrad- & Schitourenkarte „Nationalpark Gesäuse“, Nr. 206
M 1 : 25.000 http://www.kompass.de/touren-und-regionen/wanderkarte/dest/100148-alpenregion-nationalpark-gesaeuse/
Alpenvereinskarte „Gesäuse und Ennstaler Alpen“, Blatt 16, M 1 : 25.000