Nazogel und Angerkogel
The following rock steps require absolute surefootedness. After a short plateau section, the summit of the Nazogel 2057 m follows on the right.
Follow trail 217 northwards to a shoulder, below the Angerkogel 2116 m (which can be climbed in a few minutes from here) and descend on its northern slope to the Angeralm 1900 m.
From Angeralm follow trail no. 287 briefly to the east, later to the south. Slightly downhill to the Albl hunting lodge and soon afterwards steeply downhill to the Hinteregger Alm.
The descent leads through bizarre terrain and is a particularly scenic experience.
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From Liezen via the Höhenstraße to the Hinteregg car park.
The following rock steps require absolute surefootedness (easy climbing). After a short plateau section, the summit of the Nazogel 2057 m follows on the right. Magnificent viewpoint. >Walking time to the summit approx. 2 hours.
Follow the marked trail 217 northwards to a shoulder, below the Angerkogel 2116 m (which can be climbed in a few minutes from here) and descend on its northern slope to the Angeralm 1900 m (dilapidated). >Walking time from Nazogl to Angeralm 1 hour.
From Angeralm follow trail no. 287 briefly to the east, later to the south. Slightly downhill to the Albl hunting lodge and soon afterwards steeply downhill to Hinteregger Alm.>Walking time Angeralm to Hinteregg - car park approx. 2 hours.
Rathausplatz 1, 8940 Liezen
Tel.: +43(0) 3612-25 658
Mail.: office@stadtmarketing-liezen.at
Free walking mapsStadtmarketing Liezen
Rathausplatz 1, 8940 Liezen
Tel.: +43(0) 3612-25 658
Mail: office@stadtmarketing-liezen.at
Mo.-Fr. 8:00-12:00