Hiking route Spitzenbachklamm the "Valley of the Butterflies - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Gesäuse Hiking route Spitzenbachklamm the "Valley of the Butterflies - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Gesäuse

Spitzenbachklamm the "Valley of the Butterflies

Let yourself be enchanted by the colourful world of butterflies and unique flora on a leisurely hike through the Spitzenbachklamm.
The Spitzenbachklamm: a natural jewelAn impressive experience is the hike through the Spitzenbachklamm, also known as the "Valley of Butterflies". About 450 butterfly species find their habitat in this natural jewel. Due to the special north-south orientation of the gorge, thermophilic plants and high mountain plants grow close together. Caterpillars and butterflies find a huge food supply. As a natural monument, the gorge has enjoyed the highest protection status in Styria since 1971 and is an El Dorado for botanists, geologists and butterfly lovers, especially in early summer.



Best season


The tour in numbers

12,2 km
4:31 h
462 hm
462 hm
773 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Aus Wien: Westautobahn A1, Abfahrt Amstetten West - Waidhofen - Altenmarkt -Weissenbach-Am Ortsende von Weissenbach letzte möglichkeit rechts in den "Spitzenbachgraben"

Aus Graz: über A9 bis Ardning - Admont - St. Gallen-Weissenbach

Aus Salzburg: A10 bis Radstadt - Abfahrt Schladming - Liezen - Admont - St. Gallen-Weisenbach

Am Ortsanfang  von Weissenbach erste möglichkeit links in den "Spitzenbachgraben"

We hike along the road past the "tin can settlement" "Weg 638" and keep left. We continue to follow trail nr. 637 through the romantic Spitzenbachklamm. The Spitzenbachklamm is always wonderfully signposted. To the end where a small path begins which would bring us to the Gr. Mayreck. We walk the same route back to the starting point.

Or we take the circular path via the Teufelskirche back via St.Gallen.

The hike can also be connected with the circular path over the Teufelskirche.

devil's church - sundaykogel peak brook gorge

in St. Gallen visit the water park www.wasserspielpark.at

The St. Gallen Festival takes place every year at the end of August www.festival.stgallen.at



right at the beginning of the Spitzenbachgraben beside the road. 
Tourismusverband Gesäuse

Hauptstraße 35, 8911 Admont

Tel. +43 (0) 3613 21160 10 Email: info@gesaeuse.at

Infobüro/Salza Wildalpen

Wildalpen 91 – 8924 Wildalpen Tel. 03636/241 infosalza@gesaeuse.at

Mo und Fr. 9:00-17:00

Kartenempfehlungen des Autors Freitag & Berndt Wanderkarte Nr. 062 "Gesäuse-Ennstaler Alpen-Schoberpass" Rother Wanderführer Gesäuse


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