Tieflimauer, durch den Mühlgraben und über den Teufelsteig zurück über die Ennstaler Hütte
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Or via Leoben, Vordernberg and Eisenerz to Hieflau and from there on to Großreifling in the Erb. At the sign "Parkplatz Ennstaler Hütte" at the end of the Mühlbachgraben valley, turn left following the sign.
A1 Westautobahn to exit Ybbs and from there south through Scheibbs, Lunz am See, Göstling an der Ybbs and Palfau to Hieflau. From there via the L714, which runs along the orographic right side of the Salza to Großreifling (and on to Erb as described above).
The via ferrata lives up to its name and it is therefore absolutely necessary to have a helmet and harness with you. After the exit, follow the ridge to the spacious summit, from where you can already see the next destination - the Ennstalerhütte. However, full concentration and sure-footedness are also required on the descent to the hut, because even on the normal route there are still a few secured sections for a reason. At the Teufelskreuz crossroads, you rejoin the high-level trail, which leads to the Ennstalerhütte with alternating ups and downs. To get back to the starting point, walk north at Landler Eck over the Landler Stieg'n and follow the marked trail no. 608 over the Bärensattel and several forest roads back to the Mühlbachhaus.
Hauptstraße 35, 8911 Admont, Österreich
Tel. +43 (0) 3613 21160 10
Email: info@gesaeuse.at
Infobüro/Salza Wildalpen
Wildalpen 91 – 8924 Wildalpen Tel. 03636/241 infosalza@gesaeuse.at
Mo und Fr. 9:00-17:00
Carto.at Wander- Rad- & Skitourenkarte Nr 801: Nationalpark Gesäuse. 1: 35 000Kompass Karte "Nationalpark Gesäuse" Nr. 206
Alpenvereinskarte "Gesäuse und Ennstaler Alpen": Blatt 16. 1 :25 000
Rother Wanderführer "Gesäuse", Auferbauer, G. und L. (2018): Gesäuse mit Eisenerzer Alpen