Seewiesen - Voisthalerhütte
Wonderful Hochschwab motifs await the hiker on this moderately difficult day hike. By the way, the path through the valley of the lake is the most frequented path to the Hochschwab summit.
The flat Seetal offers itself as a walking area, the actual mountain trail begins only at Lettanger. Past the Florlhütte (private hut - no bar) and over the lower Dullwitz to the Franzosenkreuz (in memory of the battles of 7-9.11.1805). Via the narrow and steep Voisthalergassl to the Voisthalerhütte. The way back is the same as the ascent.
Trail conditions: meadow and forest trail, alpine marked trails and steep tracks.Refreshment stops: Voisthalerhütte (ÖAV, Hüttenwirtin: Liselotte Schleicher and Maja Ludwig, Tel. 03861/24184 or 0676/5746053, from mid-May to 26 October continuously managed) - The new building of the Voisthalerhütte is expected to be ready for occupancy from mid-August 2021!Special features: Magnificent view of the steep rock faces throughout the hike, especially through the Seetal.
What the weather will be like
Turnau (756m)
Mostly cloudy with sunny spells, rainshowers mainly in the afternoon and evening.
The day will be dry, but mostly cloudy with occasional sunny spells.