Montanweg - Ratten - St. Kathrein am Hauenstein, Ratten
A varied themed hike that takes you along forest and field paths, local roads and short climbs to the summit of the Hauereck and thus also connects the communities of Ratten and St. Kathrein am Hauenstein.
The "Friedensstollen" (show gallery), which was closed in 1960, is the starting point of the mining nature trail. Along the trail, you can learn about how lignite was mined in those days by means of information boards at original Ratten mining sites.
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Ratten is located approx. 25 km north of the district capital Weiz between Pretulaple and Joglland in the upper Feistriztal valley.
By car:
From Graz - A2 to Gleisdorf - take the 2nd exit at the traffic circle (B64/B72)
From Weiz - via B72
From Germany - via A3
Detailed information on how to get here can be found
- We start our tour at the mining museum and the show tunnel at the Ratten leisure center
- The path then leads us between the leisure center and the Red Cross to the main school park, where, in addition to display boards, a steam excavator shovel and a material ropeway hut remind us of former mining activities in the upper Feistritz valley
- We continue around the school building in the direction of Keuchgraben
- Approx. 100 meters after the main school, we turn left onto a somewhat steeper, narrow forest path to the next information board "Cable car support foundation"
- We follow the slightly ascending forest path to the Grubfeldsiedlung before reaching the municipal road
- After approx. 200 meters we keep left and come to several farmsteads
- After another 150 meters, we branch off to the right onto a narrow forest path, past some single-family houses and then arrive at the Dirndlhof inn
- With a beautiful view, we continue along the municipal road to Gasthof Ponyhof
- Between the riding stables and tennis court, we continue on our way to the Moosbauern farm
- At a right-hand bend in the gravel road at the edge of the field, we keep left and head towards the mining settlement
- We follow this hiking trail for approx. 300 meters
- After the next Montanlehrpfad signpost, we walk along paths and forest tracks to the next information board "Wetterschacht"
- At the junction, we keep right, reach a farmstead and hike along a dirt track and the access road to the Hauereckhütte hut
- Past the chairlift mountain station and the legendary Katharinenstein, we follow the path downhill to the "Zum alten Bergwerk" snack station
- The mining memorial is also located nearby
- Then continue north briefly to the end of the mining settlement
- There we follow the signs to the right along beautiful forest paths back to the pony farm and continue along a municipal road and a forest path towards Ratten to the starting point of the mining museum.
We recommend a visit to the Mountain Farm Museum in Ratten.
Hunt und Baggerschaufel | © Heribert Hahn | TV Joglland Waldheimat
Bergbaumuseum Ratten | © Gemeinde Ratten | TV Joglland Waldheimat
What the weather will be like
Ratten (736m)
Showers will die away soon to leave a partly sunny day.
A fairly sunny day after some rain in the early morning.
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