Romai circular hike, Waldbach-Mönichwald
This circular hike in the Joglland - Waldheimat region is especially suitable for hot summer days - through the wonderfully cool forests through which the tour leads to the Romai Gorge.
Although the name Joglland is said to date back to a journey of Empress Maria Theresa through the then still nameless country and her surprise at the frequent use of the name Jogl (= Jacob) there, the Romai Gorge is named after the early Roman settlement of this region. In addition, an ancient, but unfortunately hardly known pilgrimage route went and still goes through the gorge all the way to Rome. Historical facts and stories or not - the circular hike from the Arzberg hut over the Arzberg through the Romai gorge and back to the Arzberg hut, which is marked and signposted throughout by the Waldbach mountain rescue service, is an ideal family summer hike without technical difficulties, but with a beautifully situated hut as the starting and finishing point.
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From Vienna via the A2 Südautobahn to the Freidberg/Pinggau exit and from there via Mönichwald and Waldbach to the Arzberghütte.
From Graz via Gleisdorf and St. Jakob im Walde to the Arzberghütte.
Detailed information on how to get there can be found here.
- We start at the Arzberg hut
- From there we hike a few meters up to the Arzberg summit, which is located directly behind the hut.
- From the Arzberg summit you have a magnificent view of the nearby Hochwechsel mountain
- We continue hiking in a northerly direction through a mixed coniferous forest
- Over a short forest road we come to the so-called Kaltenegg
- Now we descend via a somewhat damp trail into the Romaischlucht gorge
- Along the gorge we hike downhill to the direction of Hauswiesen
- Before reaching the main road, we keep to the right
- We hike along the southward leading goods road and the hiking trail and thus we get back to the Arzberg hut
- At the Arzberghütte we can enjoy a typical Styrian snack.
The Arzberg or the Arzberghütte is also climbed on the bike tour "Der große Jogl".
From Vienna by ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways) to Friedberg and continue by bus, from Graz very circuitous via Hartberg and by bus to St. Jakob im Walde. From there on foot to the Arzberghütte.
ÖBB: or Verbundlinie Steiermark:
With the BusBahnBim app of Verbundlinie, timetable information is easier than ever: all connections by bus, train and streetcar in Austria can be queried by entering places and/or addresses, stops or important points. The app is available as a free app for smartphones (Android, iOS) - on Google Play and in the App Store.
Waldbach-Mönichwald, Arzberg hut (free)
Gipfelkreuz am Arzberg | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
Arzberghütte | © Familie Spandl
Ausblick vom Gipfel des Arzbergs | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
What the weather will be like
Waldbach-Mönichwald (574m)
Showers will die away soon to leave a partly sunny day.
Rainfall will decrease in the morning and end in the afternoon.
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