Seidl hut at Zimitzalm
GrundlseeCurrent information
Only opens in good weather.
A popular destination for families with children!
The Seidlhütte is located at about 983 m on the Zimitzalm. A special excursion and hiking destination for families with children.
A beautiful family hiking trail, with starting point near the Murbodenhüttl inn, leads to the Seidlhütte.
Especially popular with children is the impressive Zimitz waterfall.
Seats outside: 15
Closed due to renovation work!
Opens its doors again on June 1st 2025.
only opens in good weather
01/06/2025 - 01/10/2025
Monday - Friday
10:30 - 16:00 o'clock
Seidlhütte auf der Zimitzalm
Albrecht Kalss
8993 Grundlsee
Albrecht Kalss
8993 Grundlsee
+43 664 866 16 16