Friday, 05 September 2025 - Saturday, 06 September 2025 Show all dates
27. Austrian Grill Open
KaindorfExperience the friendly competition for the title of the Austrian Grill State Championship either as a participant or as a visitor.
The Puntigamer Grill & BBQ Festival is the largest barbecue event in Austria. In addition to the burger, ribs, smoker, Dutch oven and fire platter competitions, the International Austrian Grill Open will take place with the Austrian Grill Championship and the Styrian Grill Championship.
A feast for the whole family!
Program follows ...
Take the opportunity and travel by public transport:
- RegioBuses and trains at
- Collective cab East Styria stop number: HF 6730, booking hotline +43 50 36 37 38 or
If you want to connect the visit with an overnight stay – here you can get to the landlords in the region.
Date and time
Event location
Kaindorf - Mehrzweckhalle Kaindorf
Neudorfstraße 21
8410 Neudorf ob Wildon
Neudorfstraße 21
8410 Neudorf ob Wildon
Neudorfstraße 21
8410 Neudorf ob Wildon
Neudorfstraße 21
8410 Neudorf ob Wildon