Flourl's Wexl Cinema
DechantskirchenClear the stage for the most beautiful panoramic view in Styrian Wechselland!
Experience the breathtaking view and enjoy unforgettable moments - admission to Flourl's Wexlkino is of course always free!
Take the opportunity and travel by public transport.
Shared taxi Eastern Styria "SAM": HF4853 Bergen - Flourl´s Schenke, reservations on +43 50 36 37 38 or www.oststeiermark.at/sam
You can find more information about the shared taxi on our website.
Dear guests, the opening times may change, for your safety please contact the company directly!
Flourl´s Schenke
Ingrid Lederer
Bergen 23
8241 Dechantskirchen
Ingrid Lederer
Bergen 23
8241 Dechantskirchen
+43 3339 22538
Moile +43 664 142 91 88