Balloon Hotel Thaller: Unique balloon experience

Kaindorf bei Hartberg

About the offer

Dare to do something special with us and experience the extraordinary! Take off in a hot air balloon and get to know the gentle landscape of Eastern Styria from a bird's eye view.

Procedure of the balloon flight

Take-off: A balloon flight starts in the early morning or in the afternoon, depending on the time of year between 6 and 8 am or 5 and 7 pm. The launch site is right next to the balloon hotel in Hofkirchen. First, the balloon is rigged together: Everyone works together as a team. Preparing and rigging the balloon takes about half an hour.

Flight: The balloon flight takes approx. 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on the landing possibilities. The wind conditions determine the direction of travel, the speed and the distance covered. As the balloon travels with the wind, there is no wind in the basket. During its flight, the balloon rises to an altitude of between 1,000 and 2,000 meters above the East Styrian hills.

Landing: The balloon descends when the hot air gradually cools down. The pilot then looks for a suitable landing site - this is no problem in Eastern Styria thanks to the gently rolling landscape, which offers plenty of opportunities for a safe landing. After landing, the balloon is dismantled and packed away together, which takes around half an hour.

Christening: For newcomers, the first balloon flight ends with a special ritual: they are elevated to “nobility”! The balloon pilot performs a special christening ceremony with fire and sparkling wine. Each passenger then receives a title of nobility and a christening certificate as a souvenir. Please note: it is important to remember the aristocratic christening name, as it can be quite long!

Prices: The prices for a balloon ride depend on the days of the week and the number of people. It also depends on whether you opt for an Alpine balloon flight or a flight starting in Hofkirchen. Combined offers with a hotel stay are also possible.

About the serviceprovider

Ballooning Ballooning is one of the last great adventures of our time. Free as a bird, carried only by the wind, it offers an unforgettable experience of nature. A balloon flight is difficult to describe, you have to experience it with all your senses! Eastern Styria offers the best conditions for this: ideal weather conditions and a magical landscape - so that the descent is not quite so difficult at the end!

Date and time

  • 18/03/2022 - 31/12/2030
  • Daily - Starting at o'clock

Contact operator

Address of the organizer

Location address
