Apfelschmiede Dreier: Natur wirkt!! Slow motion hike for donkeys


About the offer

Slow motion hike with donkey
Slow down quickly in the Pöllauer Tal nature park

Since slowness is unfortunately often an exceptional situation in our current way of life, stress is a frequent companion of our time. Leave the hustle and bustle of everyday life behind on a slow-motion hike with a gray animal. The calm and serenity of the donkey will help you see, hear and philosophize in a new way. You can try out these skills on a walk and a visit to one or the other Hirschbirn hirsch'n station.

  • Included service: Hike with donkey
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Meeting point: Pöllau church square, 8225 Pöllau
  • Dates: every 1st Saturday of the month
                   May-Aug: from 16.00 - 19.00 hrs.
                   Sept-April: from 10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
  • Registration: required under Tel: +43(0)676 3600571

Price information

Offer for individuals
Number: at least 6 people
Cost: €10.50 per person

Offer for groups
Number: min. 9 people, max. 15 people
Costs: €90 for up to 10 people, each additional person €9

Hiking and picnicking with donkeys:
duration approx. 6 hours, Dates and prices on request!

About the serviceprovider

About us story

Bought in 1960 by the grandmother of three, the former cattle farm was quickly converted into a fruit-growing business. In the course of modernization, the half-stem trees that were common at the time were switched to spindle trees. Another adjustment was the change in the variety composition to more organic and tastier varieties.

Our business today We pay particular attention to the right harvest maturity, because we would not eat an unripe apple ourselves. However, this requires several picking passes and thus also makes the harvest considerably more expensive. Since the trade does not reward this, we would like to market more ourselves and, above all, stay in the region. You are welcome to buy fruit and juices from us by telephone agreement. In addition, we have been offering guided tours for school classes for a few years.

We are also planning to keep chickens in mobile coops in the orchard - not only for the fresh eggs, but also to make it easier to get rid of the codling moth. With all our donkeys, goats, geese, ducks, chickens, cats and dogs, we are almost back to the cattle business that the family started over 50 years ago...

Date and time

  • 01/04/2023 - 31/12/2030
  • Daily - Starting at 08:00 o'clock

Contact operator

Address of the organizer

Location address
