Moor Hiking Path Teichalm - Impression #1

Moor Hiking Path Teichalm

Fladnitz an der Teichalm

The nature trail is one of the last mountain pine moors in Austria. The barrier-free wooden plank path can be used free of charge from April to October. On the approx. 1 kilometer long path there are information boards on the flora and fauna in the moor and in the Almenland nature park.

You can combine the moor nature trail with the Teichalm circular route!

The raised moor on the Teichalm was created during the last ice age (Würm Ice Age) around 15,000 years ago. At that time, the high valley of the Teichalm had very little vegetation and was characterized by erosion. Due to the elevation of the Mixnitzbach due to deposition, the backflow of the areas further away from the stream was cut off during the flooding phases. This caused an increase in the groundwater level. That was the starting point for the current state of the moor. Over the course of around 8,000 years, today's moorland emerged from the floodplain moor. It consists of fen areas, alder forest and mountain pine moor.

Flora Fauna:
Right at the beginning, next to the Latschenhütte, there is a mountain pine raised moor, which is - unsurprisingly - dominated by mountain pine. Cranberries and various peat mosses thrive in the shade of this type of pine. However, the raised moor is the smallest part of the moor area. The fen is much larger and more colorful. In June and July it shows a colorful picture with the spotted cinquefoil, an orchid, the cuckoo carnation and the meadowsweet. The narrow-leaf cotton grass is particularly pretty. Its shiny white seed appendages are reminiscent of small cotton balls and are used to spread through the wind. On the further way we pass a spruce forest through which the Mixnitzbach flows. On its banks there are numerous, colorfully flowering tall perennials such as hairy goiter, cabbage thistle and tuberous comfrey. Song thrushes and red-backed shrikes can be seen hunting insects over the moorland.

Hiking is what guests want:
The hiking trail leads through the middle of the raised moor, it is laid floating on larch posts and runs about 1 km through the moor. There are descriptions of the animal and plant species that live there on boards, as well as a viewing platform and benches for a short rest. The path is very easy to walk on, even with a stroller, and is partly shaded by old trees. The path ends right next to the Teichalmsee, which is ideal for a boat trip. Directly at the entrance to the moor nature trail is the Latschenhütte or, opposite the lake, the Almgasthof Hotel Teichwirt for a stop. The moor nature trail can also be taken on other hikes to and from the Teichalm (e.g. Heulantsch round, Teichalm round with moor nature trail, etc.)

Take advantage of the opportunity and travel by public transport.


Tourismusverein Fladnitz an der Teichalm
Fladnitz/T. 100
8163 Fladnitz an der Teich

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What the weather will be like

Fladnitz an der Teichalm (696m)

5 km/h
slightly cloudy
10 km/h
slightly cloudy
10 km/h
Showers will die away soon to leave a partly sunny day.
5 km/h
slightly cloudy
15 km/h
10 km/h
A fairly sunny day after some rain in the early morning.
2°C 7°C
2°C 7°C
1°C 7°C