Hofbrennerei Edelbrandsommeliere Steinbauer
StainzLearn to enjoy with all your senses ..... at a small pleasure seminar! The idea is quite simple: the more you understand about the tasting, the better you can enjoy the precious beer. Small groups are offered the opportunity to experience pleasure. "Experience pleasure" in the form of a short sensor training. After both offers, there is a Edelbrandverkostung with pleasure combinations. Registration is necessary for both offers. A tasting of our excellent spirits is also possible without registration.
Pfisich Edelbrand varieties winner of the steir.
State review 2019 Vistula and Zwetschke are the winners of the Styrian State Appraisal 2018.
So we are the best of Styria in these two varieties! Alpen Adria winner 2017 with our "plum stored in oak". In this case Uli was the fire master - Congratulations! LIQUEURS The fruits for our liqueurs are immediately after the harvest - optimal maturity is of course - in a brandy that fits exactly to the fruit, set. In the light-tight and refrigerated containers, store them for about 4 to 5 months.
I was allowed to write these THREE books for the STYRIA publishing house
By appointment: 0676/920 70 70
Maria Steinbauer
Rassach 60
8510 Stainz