Infobüro Bad Schwanberg
Bad SchwanbergThe tourism association Südsteiermark will be happy to assist you in their office in Bad Schwanberg!
We can provide you with information about accommodation, excursion possibilities, hiking and cycling tips and current events in the region.
05/11/2024 - 20/12/2024
Monday, Thursday, Friday
09:00 - 14:00 o'clock
07/01/2025 - 07/03/2025
Monday, Thursday, Friday
09:00 - 14:00 o'clock
Tourismusverband Südsteiermark - Büro Bad Schwanberg
Hauptplatz 1
8541 Bad Schwanberg
Hauptplatz 1
8541 Bad Schwanberg
(0043) 5 7730 610