Kleines Sanitärmuseum Leibnitz
LeibnitzAfter more than 30 years of collecting against the background of an installation business, Erika Haas from Leibnitz opened her private collection to the public in 1994.
The small sanitary museum, has now found a home again after a 5 year break.
Admission: € 7,50/person
Reduction for groups: € 6,50
School group € 3,-- /accompanying persons free of charge
Advance booking is requested.
Saturday only for buses and groups of 6 people or more, by appointment only.
09/10/2023 - 18/07/2031
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
10:00 - 12:00 o'clock
Kleines Sanitärmuseum Leibnitz
Dorli Krainer
Schmiedgasse 23
8430 Leibnitz
Dorli Krainer
Schmiedgasse 23
8430 Leibnitz
Moile (0043) 664 1700463