Antons Oldtimer - Das Traktoren-, Bauern- und Haushaltsmuseum in St. Peter/O.
St. Peter a. OttersbachAnton's Oldtimer Tractors, Farmers and Household Museum is, as the name suggests, a comprehensive museum in the southeastern Styrian wine hill country for both large and small museum visitors.
A leap into the past
Anton's extensive exhibition in St. Peter am Ottersbach takes you through the history of tractors and traction engines. Among the rarities are the predecessors of tractors, so-called tractors and implement carriers, and the oldest of the approximately 40 tractors is a Fordson built in 1918. If you also visit the attached Farm and Household Museum after the tractor museum, you are finally immersed in an "anno dazumal".
Please give us a call! We adapt our opening hours to our guests. We look forward to seeing you!
07/01/2025 - 30/11/2025
Monday - Sunday
all day
Verein leidenschaftlicher Sammler Antons Oldtimer
Perbersdorf 83
8093 St. Peter am Ottersbach
Perbersdorf 83
8093 St. Peter am Ottersbach
(0043) 3477 2876
Moile (0043) 664 944 88 89