Das Hotel im Kurhaus Bad Gleichenberg
Bad GleichenbergThe medical therapy center at the Bad Gleichenberg spa hotel is available to inpatients and outpatients for the relief or cure of skin, lung or musculoskeletal complaints. In addition to the classic therapies, packages are offered for private health care on the four pillars of regeneration, exercise, nutrition and stress.
The outpatient clinic at Kurhaus Bad Gleichenberg focuses on three indications:
- musculoskeletal system
- Lungs
- skin
For the musculoskeletal system, various therapies are used for acute joint and tendon inflammations, lumbalgia, neurological diseases and spasticity, ranging from remedial gymnastics and various massages to peloids (mud, parafango), electrotherapy, ultrasound and cryotherapy/cold therapy, In the case of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, brine inhalations, respiratory gymnastics with special breathing exercises, respiratory school with information suitable for the patient, as well as the classical drinking cures have proved to be effective. In the case of skin diseases, the main focus is on psoriasis, neurodermatitis and seborrheic eczema. Treatments with the Gleichenberg Strong Brine slow down the inflammatory reaction of the skin and demonstrably relieve the agonizing itching. The whole-body cold therapy in the cold chamber also helps to relieve inflammation and itching.
Health and security measures
- Non-cash payment possible
- Distance rules are kept
- First aid kit available
Untere Brunnenstraße 33
8344 Bad Gleichenberg