The nearest train station is Knittelfeld. From here, take bus line 847 to Großlobming or Kleinlobming. Please note that at weekends and during vacation periods this line is only available to a very limited extent. Here you can travel the 5 km to Großlobming or 11 km to Kleinlobming with a regional cab company - available directly at Knittelfeld station. If you stay overnight in one of the hotels, they often offer a pick-up service from the station.
General information about public transport in the region:
Murtal Taxi, Tel.: +43 660 1018101, 8740 Zeltweg,
Cab Jäger, Tel.: +43 3512 44833, 8720 Knittelfeld
Cab Steiner, Tel.: +43 3512 71718, 8720 Knittelfeld