Circular hike over the Pöllauberg, Muhr Pöllauberg
If we want to return to the starting point of our hike - the Hotel Muhr - we simply call SAM - the shared taxi in Eastern Styria - on +43 50 363738 (waiting time one hour).
SAM stops: Pöllauberg Ort (HF 5809), Waldhof Muhr (HF 5842)
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- Starting from the Hotel Muhr, we walk along the access road in a southerly direction until we come to a dirt track that leads away from the municipal road to the left into the forest. Following the markings, we reach the "Panoramablick" viewpoint.
- Here we keep left again and reach the municipal road via the high-level path towards Masenberg. Now we walk downhill towards Pöllau until we reach the crossroads to the farms of the Harb, Maierhofer and Schweighofer families and turn in their direction.
- Between the Maierhofer family home and stables, the marked hiking trail leads us along nature trails and paths to the Gleichweit family farm, where we continue along the municipal road until shortly before the Grabner family farm. Here we take two sharp left turns in quick succession and continue through forests and past fields and meadows to the Pöllauberg - Masenberg country road. We keep to the right and immediately come to the crossroads via which we reach the place of pilgrimage.
Pöllauberg - Dorfhansl - Höhenweg - Hotel Muhr
- We leave the village as we came and return to the main road, but now follow the signposts towards Masenberg on the right into the forest until we reach the junction with the main road.
- We cross the road and follow the Schmalzgruberweg to the next signpost, where we turn right and follow the red-white-red signpost no. 942 uphill. At the next very clear signpost, we keep left and reach the Dorfhanslkapelle chapel.
- Here we meet the markings for the forest nature trail (long version, blue dot), which we follow to the starting point at Waldhof Muhr.
For local transport we recommend the SAM-Sammeltaxi Oststeiermark. HF5842 Zeil-Pöllau - Hotel Muhr am Pöllauberg
Eastern Styria Tourist Board
Nature Park Pöllauer Valley office
Schloss 1
8225 Pöllau, Austria
Tel.: +4333354210
Mobility Eastern Styria with shared taxi SAM
Kompass Karte, Wanderkarte Naturpark Pöllauer Tal 1:30.000
Informieren Sie sich im Tourismusbüro über Karten, Wanderbroschüren und weitere Tourentipps.
Sie können auch bequem von zu Hause aus Informationsmaterial auf unserer Website bestellen.
Tourismusverband Oststeiermark Geschäftsstelle Naturpark Pöllauer Tal Schloss 1, 8225 Pöllau Tel: +43 3335 4210 www.naturpark-poellauertal.at www.oststeiermark.com
Rother hiking guide "Oststeiermark - Von den Fischbacher Alpen bis in die Thermenregion", 50 tours, Elisabeth Zienitzer & Silvia Sarcletti paperback, ISBN-10, 376334577 available in bookshops