Ennswiesn-Trail (Number 4)
A varied course with different undergrounds is very popular with hobby runners and beginners
A round with little ascent and hardly any technical difficulties. A 'pleasure round for everyone. Starting point is Gröbming. The trail leads through the "Spitalgraben" down to the Ennsboden. Along the Enns in western direction you reach the turning point in Pruggern and on the other side in eastern direction to Moosheim and Tunzendorf. From there you cross over the Enns and take the path back over the Spitalgraben.
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From Salzburg: A 10 Tauernautobahn to Altenmarkt/Pongau junction - B 320 Ennstalbundesstraße - Gröbming
From Graz: A 9 Phyrn Motorway to St. Michael junction - Liezen B 320 to Gröbming
From Linz: A 9 Phyrnautobahn to Liezen (Bosrucktunnel MAUT!! or Phyrnpass) - B 320 to Gröbming
A round with little ascent and hardly any technical difficulties. A 'pleasure round for everyone. Starting point is Gröbming. The trail leads through the "Spitalgraben" down to the Ennsboden. Along the Enns in western direction you reach the turning point in Pruggern and on the other side in eastern direction to Moosheim and Tunzendorf. From there you cross over the Enns and take the path back over the Spitalgraben.
public parking places towards the police-station in Gröbming
ennswiesn-trail (nummer 4)_img_66249889 | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Schladming Dachstein
What the weather will be like
Michaelerberg-Pruggern (686m)
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.
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