Pullerrieglrunde Gasen
This trail in Gasen in the Almenland Nature Park in Styria takes its name from the "Pullerbauer" farmstead to which it leads.
The somewhat strange name comes from the destination of this trail, the "Pullerbauern" farm! This farm is just one of many that lie on the steep slopes around Gasen. The slopes here in Styria's steepest municipality are cultivated with a lot of manual labour and great effort.
Gasen is also known as a "music village". Not only does the well-known folk music group "Die Stoakogler" come from the village, with the "Stoanihaus" in the middle of the centre, Gasen also has a music school that is especially aimed at adults and is known far beyond. In general, music is very much cultivated here; on 15 August, the annual "Musikirtag" takes place, at which music groups from Gasen and the whole surrounding area perform.
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More information
- The trail starts together with the "Stoakogler Heimatwanderweg" right next to the municipal office in the centre of the village.
- We hike about 1 kilometre along the "Stoakogler Heimatwanderweg".
- Now the paths separate and we continue along the "Pullerrieglrunde", past the "Pullerbauer" farm and a little later also the "Gotschlhofer" farm.
- Now it's just a leisurely downhill to Mitterbach.
- Passing the sports field, you will soon be back in the centre of the village.
We ask you to watch your dogs and especially not to leave tracks in the fields that are being mown!
In the centre of the village,
several establishments with the best cuisine invite you to stop for a bite to eat!
Gasen, Wanderweg | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Weges
Ortszentrum Gasen, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christa Pollhammer
Einstieg Stoakoglerweg in Gasen | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Weges
Stoakogler-Weg, Rastplatz oberhalb von Gasen | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Gasen, Gehöfte hoch oben | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Weges
Gasen, Panorama | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Barbara Köberl
Aussicht auf Gasen, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Bernhard Bergmann
What the weather will be like
Gasen (830m)
The day will be dry, but mostly cloudy with occasional sunny spells.
Dry and bright with plenty of sunshine, clouds will be rare
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