Zu Gast beim Teufel und auf der Waldtonialm, Fischbach
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Von Wien über die Südautobahn A2 und die Semmering-Schnellstraße S6 bis zur Abfahrt Kindberg. Hier durch das Stanzertal auf der Schanzsattel-Landesstraße L114 nach Fischbach.
Von Graz über die Weizer-Bundesstraße B72 bis Birkfeld und ab hier über die Schanzsattel-Landesstraße L114 nach Fischbach.
Von Linz/Salzburg/München über die Pyhrnautobahn A9 und die Semmering-Schnellstraße S6 bis zur Abfahrt Kindberg. Weiter wie oben.
Weitere Informationen: www.at.map24.com
- We start right in the center of the idyllic mountain health resort of Fischbach
- The village has been voted the “most beautiful mountain village in Styria” several times and has a particularly romantic and flower-filled townscape that is not to be missed
- The large overview board “Hiking in Peter Rosegger's Waldheimat” gives us more information about our route before we set off
- At the beginning, the trail leads slightly uphill through the village towards the settlement of Gmoa
- Here we cross the road and leave the settlement area
- We soon reach another popular starting point for hikes and in winter for cross-country skiing tours, the Zeller Kreuz, through beautiful forests with intermittent charming views towards Stuhleck and Wechsel. From here, we hike straight ahead on a forest path towards Teufelstein
- Passing the Halter hut, which is open at weekends in summer, we come to the Teufelstein
- The devil didn't get very far when he built his tower, but he does give us a wonderful view into the middle of the Alps and towards the east into the increasingly hilly landscape of Eastern Styria
- From there, we follow the markings to the Waldtoni hut, which we have already noticed several times along the way
- Almost exactly in the middle of the route between the lower Halterhütte and Waldtonihütte is the Schneidhofer cross with its striking, relatively large stream, the “Schreier”
- In just a few minutes, we reach the Waldtoni-Alm hut, which is open from midday at weekends between May and October
- After a well-earned rest, we continue on our way: we take trail no. 21 downhill to the hamlet of Stadlhof and then turn right onto the asphalt road following trail no. 25. At the next houses we come to the hamlet of Hauswirtshof
- There we take path no. 6 over the small bridge on the right and walk along the access roads to the farmsteads of Oberdissau. At the Maurer wayside shrine, one of the oldest in the village, we take another break to make the half-hour ascent to Fischbach easier (path no. 6)
- Passing the Ägydius chapel, which we pay a short visit to and wash our eyes with water from the “Heylquelle” spring, we reach the village square in Fischbach again after a few minutes
Timetables and travel information can be found at Österreichische Bundesbahnen (ÖBB) or at Verkehrsauskunft Verbundlinie.
For local transportation we recommend the SAM-Sammeltaxi Oststeiermark
Fischbach, village square (free)
Eastern Styria Tourism Association
Joglland-Waldheimat office
8255 St. Jakob im Walde
Tel.: 03336/20255
Eastern Styria
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Mobility Eastern Styria with shared taxi SAM
Wander-, Ski- und Radtourenkarte und -führer (Kompass Verlag) 1:50.000 TV Joglland-Waldheimat Tel. +43 (0)3336 / 20255 www.joglland-waldheimat.at Wanderkarte des Höhenluftkurortes Fischbach 1:27.778 Infobüro Fischbach Tel. +43 (0)3170/ 206 www.hoehenluftkurort-fischbach.at
Kompass Wanderführer Joglland, Andreas Steininger, 2010