Bike and train fit together perfectly. You can find more information here:
Tip: For the transport of bicycles within Styria, the inexpensive and popular Freizeit-Ticket (leisure ticket) is a good choice. Detailed information is also available from Mobil Zentral, the service point for public transport in Styria:
Mobil Zentral Infobüro
Jakoministraße 1, 8010 Graz
Tel. +43 50 678910
On long-distance trains (Railjet, Intercity, Eurocity as well as Nightjet) you have to reserve a space for your bicycle. The reservation costs three euros online. At the ÖBB Customer Service on +43 (0)5 1717 and at the ÖBB ticket counters, it is 3.50 euros. Please note: Bicycles with a tyre size of at least 29 inches, tandems, recumbents and bicycle trailers can only be transported in special luggage compartments. These reservations cannot be made online. In order to guarantee the best possible journey, please note that the stopping times of the trains are short. Therefore, it is best to inform yourself about the position of the bicycle transport carriage in good time and please remove luggage items (for example panniers) from your bicycle before the train arrives. ÖÖB asks for your understanding if a train has to be replaced by a bus shuttle service on short notice and if bicycles cannot be taken along.
In addition, ÖBB in Austria also offers the transportation of bicycles as “door-to-door” luggage. Your bicycle (no e-bikes) is collected from home and delivered directly to your destination. The cost is 39 euros per bike. Bookings can be made at all major stations or by calling +43 (0)5 1717. Every piece of luggage transported with “door-to-door” luggage PLUS is automatically insured for 800 euros. The bike (packed in a cardboard box) can also be sent in advance as courier luggage from Germany. Ideally, you should hand in the bike one week in advance. The “door-to-door” service from or to Germany can be arranged before the outward journey at all DB sales outlets or for the return journey in Austria by calling +49 180 6996633.