Power place lake Hubertussee
Walk around the idyllic lake Hubertussee in Walstern
Lake Hubertussee is one of the top 5 power places in the region Mariazeller Land: Treat yourself to your personal time-out with a cozy picnic at the power places of Mariazeller Land. Power places have a striking, unique appearance and have a special energy.
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By car coming from Mariazell below the Kreuzberg turn right into the Rechengraben to the lake Hubertussee.
Coming from St. Pölten in Freiland turn left towards St. Aegyd, drive through Hohenberg and St. Aegyd, on the pass "Gscheid" turn right towards Ulreichsberg, then follow the sign towards Hubertussee.
The Walster, an idyllic place of power in whose basin lies the lake Hubertussee, entices you to a romantic circular hike along the shore.
Another picturesque hike leads through the Schwarzwalster to the Fadental and through the Schnittlermoos back to the lake (circular hike through the Schwarzwalstern).
Arthur-Krupp is commemorated by the Monument Trail from the Walster origin, which is adorned by 21 pictorial pillars, monuments and statues.
On the northern shore of the lake is the Brother Klaus Church located, built in 1965, which is one of Mariazell's holy places.
TIP: Well-being trail Hubertussee
Stop at the Wuchtlwirtin - walking time from the lake approx. 30 minutes
From Mariazell to the lake Hubertussee there is unfortunately no regular bus connection.
Call bus Fridays and Sundays in the summer vacations, registration at least 90 minutes before departure!
Information about times and prices can be obtained from the cab company Scheucher: Tel.: +43 (0) 664 48 37 688
Large parking lot at the Wuchtlwirtin and small parking bay at the Bruder Klaus church.
Hubertussee | © TV Hochsteiermark | Fred Lindmoser
Hubertussee | © TV Hochsteiermark | Fred Lindmoser
Hubertussee | © TV Hochsteiermark | Fred Lindmoser
Hubertussee | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
Bruder Klaus Kirche | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
What the weather will be like
Mariazell (860m)
Morning clouds will clear gradually. Then frequent sunny periods.
Mostly cloudy with a few sunny spells. In the afternoon rain or snowfall will start.
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