Übers G'hackte auf den Hochschwab
The scenery on the valley floor of Buchberg or at the entrance to Trawiestal is one of the most striking alpine motifs in Hochschwab.
From Bodenbauer, the tour leads via the Trawiesalm to the G'hacktbrunn (spring). In a steep zigzag uphill into the G'hackt (continuously secured trail). A pole marking leads straight to the Hochschwab summit. Afterwards the descent to the
Schiestlhaus (possibility to spend the night). Return via the north-facing Schwabenleiten to the Fleischer-Biwakschachtel and either descend as you ascend or return to the starting point via the plateau and Häuslalm.
Trail conditions: forest trails, alpine marked trails, alpine secured climb.Refreshment stops: Alpengasthof Bodenbauer (Tel. 03861/8130, www.der-bodenbauer.at), Schiestlhaus (Tel. 0699/10812199, and Häuslalmhütte (Tel. 0664/9503352, www.haeuslalm.at) - Fleischer Biwakschachtel (open shelter hut for about 10 people).Trail number: 839, 801/805, 840Level of difficulty: difficult
What the weather will be like
Mariazell (860m)
Partly cloudy with sunny periods and a chance of snow showers towards evening.
Mostly cloudy through the day with a chance of occasional sunny spells.