Bee trail
What is the Queen's job? How much honey does a bee colony produce per year? What does a bee's resume and home look like? How far do bees have to fly for one kilogram of honey? Answers to all these questions and much more can be found out for young and old on the bee nature trail in St. Ruprecht an der Raab. Eight clear information boards tell everything about the hard-working insect on this beautiful, romantic path to the Stefanie-spring. An awareness of the importance of the bee is created and the Stefanie spring awaits as a reward - a special place of power.
The theme of bees can already be found in the historic park with its old trees and visitors can get in the mood for the bee nature trail. Because here, as part of an elementary school project, plants that attract bees were planted and labeled with stones painted by the children. The bee educational path then begins in Raaballee (crossing Fünfingerstraße) - here it leads along Raaballee, over the tennis court and an idyllic forest path to the Stefanie-spring. It provides information on eight display boards about the structure and functioning of a bee state and the relationship between humans, honey bees and wild bees. It can be hiked independently at any time and should offer the opportunity to deal with honey bees and their importance for people. A safe bee hive allows deep insights into the home of the bees. Numerous flaps invite you to join in and take part in puzzles. Interactive and vivid, instructive and exciting - this is how the bee nature trail in St. Ruprecht an der Raab presents itself!
Map & downloads
Bee trail_Guide_Eastern Styria | Iris Bloder
Bee trail_Information_Eastern Styria | Iris Bloder
Bee trail_Bee trail_Eastern Styria | © Steininger
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