0 Main square Fehring (Mariensäule)
0.1 left
0.8 straight ahead
1,7 left follow the road to Fehring station
2,1 turn left
4,1 go straight ahead
6,9 follow the road to the left at Gasthaus Kniely
7,2 turn left
8,8 go straight ahead (cross the B57)
9,4 turn left
11,2 go straight at the traffic circle in Edersgraben
13,2 go straight ahead
13,9 turn left at Kulmberg hilltop
13,95 turn left
14.3 go straight on (downhill at Kulmberghof inn)
15,0 turn left
15.4 Turn sharp right
16,0 Go straight ahead
17.0 Turn left before the crest (Dreiländerblick)
18,2 turn left
20.2 turn right
20,5 turn left
21.5 Go straight ahead
24.6 Go straight ahead
24,7 turn right and after 100m turn right again
25,3 straight ahead cross the traffic circle before Fehring
25,7 Fehring main square