The starting point is the village of St. Stefan, you start in a westerly direction. At the end of the village, over a bridge, you can visit the Stefansbrunnen and the Reichlkapelle. The circular trail continues along the road, you pass a fish pond with a biotope and arrive at Moihöf.
Now the trail climbs a bit through shady forest (information boards on the topic of game and forest) to the Irrbrunnen fountain. Then continue to the hill and enjoy the magnificent view to the famous Ringwarte and down into the Pöllauertal. Another short climb along a forest path leads to the Ballonhotel near the elementary school.
At the hotel you will find a playground and a petting zoo. Follow the markings to the right in a southerly direction, cross the road twice and you will reach a long and almost flat forest and meadow path. Passing orchards, you come to a crossroads, always following the markings. A short forest section later you reach the Höller farm and come back to the road with a view of Kaindorf, the pilgrimage church of Pöllauberg and St. Anna.
Via a forest path back to the starting point in St. Stefan. Here a children's playground invites you to rest for the very last time.