Trail conditions: Asphalt 100%
E-BIKE ready
0.0 km - Bad Radkersburg main square - Langgasse - Mura bridge to Gornja Radgona
1,1 km - At the traffic circle turn right, after 50 m turn left and at the traffic light turn left towards Murska Sobota
2,5 km - turn right, direction Cresnjevci
7.0 km - Turn right at the wayside shrine
10.2 km - Roundabout straight ahead in the direction of Sv. Jurij
11.7 km - Right, direction Negova in Sp. Ivanjci
15.6 km - Before the church, turn right toward Ihova
16.2 km - Left by the sports field in the direction of Lokavci
17.8 km - Straight toward Radvenci
18.9 km - 100 m after the chapel, turn right
19.8 km - Left, intersection of the main road toward Spodnja Scavnica
23.1 km - direction Maribor, then after 200 m direction Nasova
23.6 km - right at bridge
24.4 km - right over bridge, left after bridge
26.7 km - Right toward Lesane, past the chapel and down to the left
27.2 km - right, signposted "Grenzenlose Murauen Tour
38.2 km - Bad Radkersburg main square guest information office